

葆德電機 Farm Duty Motor

作者:Admin 發布時間:2015-08-01 [ ] 瀏覽:


Baldor offers a full line of single and three phase Farm Duty motors for use in a wide variety of agricultural and industrtial applications. We also have the capabilty of building custom designs for any specialized application you may have.

上海(hai)仝(tong)德自動化科技有限公(gong)司(si) 版權所有 地址(zhi):上海(hai)市安馳路509號(尚(shang)都國際(ji))1號樓2308室 相關(guan)搜(sou)索:西門子貝(bei)得(de)電(dian)機(ji),葆(bao)德電(dian)機(ji),孚日電(dian)機(ji)