

葆德電機 Definite Purpose Motor

作者:Admin 發布時間:2015-08-01 [ ] 瀏覽:


The Definite Purpose family of motors covers many applications and encompasses many industries. This family includes three phase Two speed, Single phase Pressure Washer, Arbor Saw, Woodworking, Pre-1952 NEMA, U-Frame, Automotive Duty, Aluminum, TENV, 42C frame and Synchronous Permanent Magnet motors.

上(shang)海(hai)仝德自(zi)動化(hua)科(ke)技有限公司 版(ban)權所有 地址:上(shang)海(hai)市安馳(chi)路(lu)509號(hao)(hao)(尚(shang)都(dou)國(guo)際)1號(hao)(hao)樓2308室 相關搜(sou)索(suo):西門子貝得電機,葆(bao)德電機,孚日電機