

葆德電機 HVAC Motor

作者:Admin 發布時間:2015-08-01 [ ] 瀏覽:

Baldor offers a complete line of motors designed for use in the harshest HVAC appliations. We have motors available with integrated internal shaft grounding systems. Motors for Chiller/Cooling Towers, Condenser and fan applications, and more. We can also build custom version of any stock motor we have for any specialized HVAC application.

上(shang)海(hai)仝德自(zi)動化科(ke)技(ji)有限公司 版權所有 地(di)址(zhi):上(shang)海(hai)市(shi)安馳路(lu)509號(尚(shang)都國際(ji))1號樓2308室 相關搜索:西門子貝得(de)電機(ji),葆德電機(ji),孚日電機(ji)