葆德電機 交流變頻矢量電機
工業(ye)電機(ji)保(bao)德供最通用的(de)應(ying)用程序和進程。然而,一(yi)些交流變頻(pin)調(diao)速(su)應(ying)用要求(qiu)恒轉矩為零速(su)度。Inverter/Vector motors 是(shi)專(zhuan)為速(su)度調(diao)節在一(yi)個標準的(de)NEMA框(kuang)架電機(ji)上的(de)應(ying)用。此外(wai),交流變頻(pin)矢量電機(ji)可以穿(chuan)過線搭橋(qiao)手術可以提供1000:1的(de)速(su)度范(fan)圍在標準TENV或它的(de)外(wai)殼。
Industrial electric motors from Baldor are available for most general purpose applications and processes. However, some AC Variable Speed applications require constant torque at zero speed. Inverter/Vector motors are designed specifically for adjustable speed applications in a standard NEMA Frame motor. Additionally, the AC Inverter/Vector Motors can be ran across the line for bypass operation and can deliver a 1000:1 Speed Range in a standard TENV or TEBC Enclosure.
- Extensive HP Range 1/3 - 500hp
- B Rise
- 1000:1 CT
- Low Noise
- 841XL Features
- Cast iron Frame Construction
- Stock Availability
- Corona Free insulation
- Class F Insulation
- 200% torque overload for one minute at base speed
- Insulated Bearings
- Constant horsepower 1.5 times base speed
- Special Encoder provisions
Common Industries
- Rubber
- Automotive
- Metals
- Plastics
- Converting
- Pulp and Paper
- Oil and Gas
Common Applications
- Winders
- Positioning
- Extruders,
- Web Processing
- Oil Drilling
- Induction Servo Spindle
- Test Stands-low / high speed